As a small school, we endeavor to ensure that our spaces, both online and in-person, are safe, inclusive, and welcoming for BIPOC, LBGTBQ2+, neurodivergent, and students of all abilities. We are always learning and our heart is to make yoga accessible to ALL without discrimination or harm. We hope to provide a space where we can support one another in fully accessing our bodies and experiencing embodiment through the practices of yoga and wholehearted relationships. We endeavor to be trauma-respectful, adaptive, and accessible for people of all abilities and ask you to collaborate with us in these efforts by agreeing to put certain actions into practice. 

At the beginning of your training, your teacher will invite the group to co-create an agreement around language, the use of light, music, and aromatherapy. We invite students to either email their teacher in advance with information about the support they will need or you may share this information with your cohort. We will never disclose those things that you share with us in private and will make modifications for your empowerment and encouragement.

At this time, we will also share our pronouns (she/her/hers/he/his/they/their/theirs). You are welcome to share your pronouns or not share your pronouns. We do ask that once a fellow student has shared their pronoun, you make every effort to use their pronoun correctly. 

We will also share a land acknowledgment at the start of training. This is where we acknowledge those indigenous peoples whose land we now work, live, and play upon. We invite you to share your own land acknowledgment and to look into this information before training. This is an invitation for you to join us in honoring the indigenous peoples of our country and you are welcome to participate to any extent that you feel comfortable.

As your cohort establishes its cultural agreement, we ask that you agree to the following guidelines:

- To not disclose anything shared durng our time together to parties outside of our group

- To listen and reflect only what you hear. Please avoid giving advice or adding your feelings to what another student shares. 'You should' or 'What a ______' etc. Practice holding space for those who share and supporting them in uncovering their own wisdom.

- Avoid wearing any strong scents until we have established what is tolerable for the group.

- Speak clearly and slowly. Wait for others to finish speaking before you begin sharing. Try to speak in a way that allows everyone to hear and see you. (Some students may be deaf or hard of hearing. This allows everyone to participate in the sharing.)

- Understand that communication is different for every individual. Some students may prefer to not make eye contact when they speak. 

- Feel encouraged to celebrate your own diverse needs and strengths and to add to the culture of the group with your own boundaries and requests. 

I agree to the student safety and inclusivity policy.