Somatic-Energetic Yoga Therapy Registration Page

Mandorla Yoga Institute Online Learning

  • Welcome! You have been directed to this page because you have met the requisites for enrollment into the Somatic-Energetic Yoga Therapy Training. If you have not gone through the application process, you are welcome to select the free preview option for this program. Please do not register if you have not gone through the application process, as we are able to accept a limited number of students each year.

  • This is a 300-HR program that will provide you with certification as an Advanced Somatic Yoga Teacher. Upon graduation, you will have the opportunity to register with the Canadian Yoga Alliance. This program is offered once each year through the months of July to June. We alternate the online learning with an AM and PM option on a yearly basis.

  • This 300-HR program is one of three required modules for attaining certification as a Somatic Yoga Therapist. In order to use the official Somatic Yoga Therapist designation, you must complete the other two modules in Somatic-Emotional Yoga, and Somatic Yoga Therapy Mentoring.

  • This training officially begins in Calgary, AB, Canada the week of July 29th with a 10 month online learning immersion that begins in September. To complete registration, please click on the link below. You will be asked to complete your first tuition installment of $1968.75 CAD. Your second installment of $1968.75 will be billed to you in the following month.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to our Community - Please read these guidelines for how we can maintain this sacred circle in a Trauma Informed Manner

    2. How to Engage with this Material

    3. How to Navigate Online Learning and Self-Study

    4. Dissociation and What to Do When it Happens

    5. Syllabus 2024 - 2025

    6. Reading List 2024 - 2025

    1. Manual 1: for Somatic Yoga Therapy In Person Training July 2024

    2. Manual 2: for In Person Training July 2024: Ayurvedic Marma Therapy

    3. Manual 3: for Online Studies: Ayurvedic Psychology Foundations Manual

    4. Manual 4: Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy

    5. Manual 5: Myofascial Tools and Skills for Somatic Yoga Therapists

    6. Manual 6: Meridian Informed Yoga Therapy

    1. Course Prep 1: Deepening your Understanding of Ayurvedic Principles

    2. Course Prep 2: Ayurveda + Marma Overview and Applications

    3. Course Prep 3: Hands on Healing

    4. Course Prep 4: Acupressure Applications

    5. Course Prep 5: Contraindications

    6. Course Prep 6: The Anatomy of Breathing

    7. Course Prep 7: Ayurvedic Psychology Integration + Applications

    8. Course Prep 8: Ayurvedic Somatic Perspectives + Integration

    9. Course Prep 9: Dosha Questionnaire

    10. JULY 29-AUG 2, 2024: Syllabus for In-Person Training

    11. Self-Study: Practice Applications

    12. Self-Study: Reading and Reflection

    1. SEP 12-OCT 10,2024: Syllabus

    2. Class # 1, Sep. 12: Ayurvedic Psychology Integration with Mandi Mack

    3. Class # 2, Sep 19th: Ayurvedic Somatic Perspectives + Integration with Mandi Mack

    4. Class # 3, Sep 26th: Supporting Vata Dosha with Yoga + Ayurveda with Stefani Wilton

    5. Class # 4, Oct 3rd : Supporting Kapha Dosha with Stefani Wilton

    6. Class # 5, Oct 10th: Supporting Pitta Dosha with Stefani Wilton

    7. Self-Study: Practice Applications

    8. Self-Study: Reading and Reflection

    1. Syllabus with Class Dates and Self-Study Guide: Oct 17 - Dec 19, 2024

    2. Class # 1, Oct 17th: A brief history of Somatics and dance

    3. Class # 1, Oct 17th: Origins of Somatic Yoga Therapy and the History of Somatics

    4. Class # 1, Oct 17th: Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy Overview & Sequencing Guide

    5. Class # 1, Oct 17th: Skills for Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy

    6. Class # 1, Oct 17th: Using Trauma-Informed Somatic Language

    7. Class # 2, Oct 24th: Prithivi - the Earth Element

    8. Class # 2, Oct 24th: Muladhara - the Root Chakra

    9. Class # 2, Oct 24th: Apana Vayu

    10. Class # 3, Oct 31st: Vata Integration

    11. Class # 4, Nov 7th: Jala - the Water Element

    12. Class #4, Nov 7th: Svadisthana - the Sacral Chakra

    13. Class # 4, Nov 7th: Somatic Chakra Therapy - Unblocking Stuck Energy

    14. Class # 5, Nov 14th: Pitta Integration

    15. Class # 6, Nov 21st: Manipura - the Power Chakra

    16. Class # 6, Nov 21st: Samana Vayu - Emotions, Feelings, and Thoughts

    17. Class # 6, Nov 21st: Tejas - the Fire Element

    18. Class # 7, Nov 28th: Kapha Integration

    19. Class # 8, Dec 5th: Vayu - the Air Element

    20. Class # 8, Dec 5th - Anahata - the Heart Chakra

    21. Class # 8, Dec 5th: Pranayama as a Tool for Healing

    22. Class # 8, Dec 5th: Vyana Vayu

    23. Class # 9, Dec 12th: Vishuddha - the Throat Chakra

    24. Class # 9, Dec 12th: Mantra as a Tool for Healing

    25. Class # 9, Dec 12th: Healing with Sound

    26. Class # 9, Dec 12th: Udana Vayu

    27. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Akasha - the Ether Element

    28. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Ajna - the Third Eye Chakra

    29. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Sahasrara - the Crown Chakra

    30. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Mudra as a Tool for Healing

    31. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Bandha as a Tool for Healing

    32. Class # 10, Dec 19th: Prana Vayu

    33. Self-Study: Practice Applications

    34. Self-Study: Reading and Reflection

    1. Syllabus with Class Dates & Self-Study Guide

    2. Practice Resource: Myofascial Yoga Therapy Charts (Required for Self-Study Reflection Assignment at end of module)

    3. Class # 1, Jan 9th: SOAP Note Charting

    4. Class # 1, Jan 9th: The Krama of Yoga Therapy + Preparing for the 1st Appointment

    5. Class # 1, Jan 9th: How Myofascial Work integrates into Somatic Yoga Therapy

    6. Class # 1, Jan 9th: SYT in Practice, Leading from Heartfelt Wisdom

    7. Class # 1, Jan 9th: Re-patterning the Nervous System

    8. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Assessments & The Art of Seeing

    9. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Bony Structures and Assessment Protocols for Yoga Therapy

    10. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Mobilizing the Spine

    11. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Yoga Therapy Assessments - Symmetrical Asana

    12. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Yoga Therapy Assessments - Assessing in Wide Legged Forward Fold

    13. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Yoga Therapy Assessments - Assessing in Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold

    14. Class # 2, Jan 16th: Yoga Therapy Assessments - Assessing in Standing Asana

    15. Class # 3, Jan 23rd: Working with Asana and Safe Sequencing

    16. Class # 3, Jan 23rd: Yoga Therapy Adaptations (Viniyoga Notes)

    17. Class # 4, Jan 30th: Supporting Clients who are in Pain + Working with the Nervous System

    18. Class # 4, Jan 30th: End Feel, Pain, and Responding to Acute Pain

    19. Class # 4, Jan 30th: Subacute Pain and Compensations

    20. Class # 4, Jan 30th: Working with Chronic Pain

    21. Class # 4, Jan 30th: The Krama of Re-Patterning Muscle

    22. Class # 4, Jan 30th: Techniques for Releasing and Re-Patterning the Body

    23. Class # 5, Feb 6th: Overview of Somatic Yoga Therapy and Introduction to the Deep Front Line

    24. Class # 5, Feb 6th: The Upper Portion of the Deep Front Line

    25. Class # 5, Feb 6th: A Closer look at the Scalenes

    26. Class # 5, Feb 6th: The Relationship between the Psoas, Illiacus, and Quadratus Lumborum

    27. Class # 5, Feb 6th: A Closer look at the Adductors

    28. Class # 5, Feb 6th: How Shortening in the Adductors impacts the Pelvis

    29. Class # 5, Feb 6th: The Neck and the Upper Crossed Syndrome

    30. Class # 5, Feb 6th: Tibialis Posterior and Popliteus

    31. Class # 5, Feb 6th: Re-patterning the psoas and protecting the SI joint

    32. Class # 6, Feb 13th: Relationship Between DFL and SL

    33. Class # 6, Feb 13th: Building on the DFL Practice with Q+A

    34. Class # 6, Feb 13th: Spiral Line Overview

    35. Class # 6, Feb 13th: Relationship between SL and LL

    36. Class # 7, Feb 20th: Lateral Line and Foot Pronation

    37. Class # 7, Feb 20th: Foot Supination and the Lateral Line

    38. Class # 7, Feb 20th: DFL + LL Integration

    39. Class #7, Feb 20th: Spiral and Lateral Line Integration

    40. Class # 7, Feb 20th: Demonstration of Prone work for releasing the Lateral and Spiral Lines

    41. Class # 8, Feb 27th: Superficial Back Line and the Hamstrings

    42. Class # 8, Feb 27th: Superficial Back Line Sequencing

    43. Class # 8, Feb 27th: Superficial Backline and the ASIS & PSIS

    44. Class # 9, March 6th: Superficial Front Line Overview

    45. Class # 9, March 6th: Superficial Front Line and the Quadriceps

    46. Class # 9, March 6th: Superficial Front Line and Quadriceps + Rectus Abdominus

    47. Class # 10, March 13th: Arm Lines Overview

    48. Self-Study: Practice Applications

    49. Self-Study: Reading and Reflection

About this course

  • $3,937.50
  • 163 lessons
  • 25.5 hours of video content